Stock Availability

To view each individual product, along with stock location information, click the button below which takes you through to This is the website from the exclusive CORE distributor, Smith Brothers Stores Ltd, the largest and oldest independent family run HVAC merchant operating within UK.

SBS has multiple branches across England, Scotland and Wales with options for their customers to order online, phone or by email for same-day collection or next-day delivery. The distributor network page highlights all the Smith Brothers locations.

View EVERY product Online

Each CORE product viewable online has instant real time access to technical documents, such as data sheets, and stock location information!!

Companywide Stocking status

Companywide Stock Status

Downloads section - sbsonline

View External Documents

Branch stocking status

Individual Branch Stock Status

Picking an order

For more information on product speak to any SBS branch during trade hours, or use the online platform anytime of day. Existing Smith Brothers customers who have online ordering access can order CORE product now and collect within the hour!!


For existing SBS customers without online access, click the button below and complete the online form to gain access. Those without a trade account at Smith Brothers, visit and complete the necessary credit application forms.